The Neeedl In The Haystack
It all started with a simple but scary observation. As a musician, I had the chance to travel a lot and everywhere I went to I tried to find a little something special to bring home for my kids or my wife. However, this task would get harder and harder as the city centres all over the world had started to all pretty much look alike, at least in the Western world. In order to save you from searching for needles in a haystack, we threw the haystack away and just kept the needles. That’s why my son and I decided to launch a worldwide directory dedicated to independent producers, creators and stores.
They are the precious needles in the globalized haystack.
The needles that stitch communities together.
The needles that transport vibrations from an object to our brains.
The needles that inject a healthy dose of originality into the deadly mainstream.
They are the kind of people that are passionate about what they produce, create or curate. They can be cheesemakers way up in the mountains, owners of the organic neighborhood store or big city clothiers. They all made the choice to value quality over quantity, uniqueness over standardization, passion over comfort.
They are the ones that we want to support. Because you know what they say: When you buy from an independently run business, you’re not helping a CEO buy a third holiday home. You are helping a little girl get her team jersey, a little boy get dance lessons, parents to put food on the table.
We are globally connected so our dedicated directory is growing fast, over 2700 stores worlwide at this point. Hopefully in the near future, you will find all the right addresses that sell quality products in real stores wherever you are.
Join the community.
Sign up and submit your favorite local stores (clothing, records, books, food, crafts, lifestyle).
Love is all we neeedl.