BIOME BRISBANE CITY‘s vision is to preserve a safe, healthy environment on this wonderous planet for now, and for those who come after us.
Since 2003, we’ve been obsessed with finding solutions to environmental problems, and scrutinising products to uncover green-washing, hidden toxins, and dubious ingredients.
2Die4 Live Foods, 4MyEarth, 5 Little Bears, 99th Monkey, Acure, Afends, Affirmations, Agreena, Almo, Alter Eco, Amazing Oils, Amber Days, Amy Jade Creations, Animals In Charge, Appetito, Apple Green Duck, Arnhem, Aster & Oak, Audrey Gachet, Australian Natural Soap Company,, Babs Bodycare, Baby Beehinds, Baby Quoddle, Badger, Bamboo Living Australia, Banana Joe, BANG Jute bags, Banyula-B, Barefoot, Baskets, BASS, Baxter Blue, BBBYO, Be.UNITY, Beautifek, Beauty & the Bees, Bee One Third, Beekeeper Parade, Bennetto, Bespoke, Biobag, Biome, Biork, Biotuff, black + blum, Black Chicken Remedies, Blackwood Hemp, Block Dock, Bodecare, Boho Things, Bokashi, Bon Lux, Bonvita, Booja-Booja, Books, Botanical Blessings, Botanika Blends, Brightwood, Brush With Bamboo, Brynn & Co., Bryteka Pottery, Buchi, Bumi Bebe, Burgon & Ball, Bush Balm, Bush Medijina, Bush Shack, Bush Tucker Supplements, Butt Naked, Buttonworks Australia, Caim & Able, Calm & Co, Camphor Laurel, Cannabella, Cedar and Stone, Cheeki, ChicoBag, Choose to Reuse, Church Farm General Store, Cloth & Co., Coconut Bowls, Coconut Magic, Conscious Calendar Co., Conscious Step, Contigo, Cor, Corner Block Studio, Corrynnes, Crawford & Co, Creamore Mill, Crystal Essence, Cubebot, Dearest Lips, Decomposition, Decor, Desert Shadow, Designer Bums, Dindi Naturals, Dirty Hippie Cosmetics, Diva Cup, DIY Container, Dock & Bay, Dominique Healy, Dorsu, Downunder Wash Co, Dr Bronner’s, Dr Hisham’s, Dr Tung’s, Dumbo Feather, Dundies, Dusk By Adele, Earth Greetings, Earths Purities, Earths Tribe, EasyOven, Eco Minerals, Eco Vessel, EcoCoconut, EcoCocoon, EcoJarz, EcoMax, EcoNaps, Ecopaper, Ecopocket, EcoTools, Eden Health Foods, Eden Seeds, Edie + Bill, EnsoPet, Environmental Toothbrush, Essential Dog, Essential Hemp, Essentially Australia, Est, Ethique, Etiko, Euclove, Eveeco Baby, Ever Eco, EverEarth, Evohe, Excalibur, Extraordinary Foods, Fabriculture, Fibre For Good, Fjallraven, Flipside, Flora Remedia, Florentine Gold, Form By T, Four Cow Farm, Frank & Dollys, Frank Green, Fridge-To-Go, Frozen Sunshine, Fruity Sacks, Full Circle, Georganics, Gillawarra Arts, Glasslock, Go Bamboo, Go Green, Good + Clean, Good to Go, GoToob, Green Essentials, Green Living, Green Magazine, Green Potions, Grin, GroVia, Guppyfriend, Han Cosmetics, Hand Organic, Hannahpad, Hansen Galleries, Harlo, Haws, Heaven In Earth, Hemp Clothing Australia, Hemp Collective, Hemp Gallery, Hevea, Honestly Store, Honeybee, Honeysticks, Horsley Imports, Humidity, Hurraw, Hydro Flask, Iberluffa, icebreaker, If You Care, Import Ants, Indecisive., Indigo Luna, Indosole, Ingredients, Ingrid Bartkowiak Art, Inky, InovaAir, JOCO, Jonny, Journey Of Something, JuJu, Kakadu Plum Co, Kakadu Tiny Tots, Keep Leaf, KeepCup, Killapilla, Kilner, Kim Wallace, Kin Kin, Klean Kanteen, Komodo, Kontex, Kooshoo, Kowtow, Kresho, Kuu Konjac, Kylie Johnson, Lava Living, Lazybones, Le Parfait, Leaf Shave, Let’s Go Nature’al, Liesl and Co, Life Cykel, Life of Cha, Lifefactory, Light My Fire, Lil Bit, Lillypilly Pottery, Lilypad, Linii Huon Pine, Lisa Peri, Little Acre Mushrooms, Little Mashies, Little Veggie Patch Co., Lois Hazel, Loqi, Lousy, Love Beauty Foods, Love Tea, Love To Dream, Loving Earth, Luna + Sun, Lunchbots, Lunette, Lyra, Mad Millie, Mayde Tea, Merkaba Skincare, Merry People, MG Naturals, MiEco, Miessence, Miller Woodwork, Modibodi, Mokosh, Mongrel Socks, MooFree, MOOM, Mount Zero Olives, Mozzigear, Mt Retour, Mulbury Gallery, Murray River Gourmet, My Little Gumnut, My Magic Mud, My Shay, Natracare, Natural Basics, Natural Evolution, Naturals by O & J, Natures Child, Nawrap, Necessity, NEEK, Neeming Australia, Neoflam, New Mountain, Nico, NIRVANA ORGANICS, No Nasties, NOE (Natural Organic Ethical), Noosa Basics, Noosa Organic Skin Care, Northern Tamanu Oils, Notely, Nui, Nut Milk Bag Co, Nutritionist Choice, Nya, Oakbank Organics, Ochre, Oggi, Olieve & Olie, Olive Gap Organic Farm, Oliver and S, Olli Ella, Omie, OmMade, One Happy Leaf, One Thousand Lines, Onya, Onyx, Opinel, Orangutan Project, Organature, Organic Nights, Organics for Lily, OrganiCup, Outland Denim, Oz Tukka, P’ure Papayacare, PACKiT, Pala, Pallarés, Palm Leaf Plates, Pana Chocolate, Paperbark Writer, Para’kito, Parker, Pashom, Passion Lilie, Patch, Pea Pods, Pebble, Pela, Peppermint Magazine, Pincinox, Pip Magazine, Pixie Nut & Co., Plamil, Planet Finska, Planet Love Life, Planet Revive, PlanetBox, Plantacard, Plantasy Foods, Pod Star, Positively Green, Precidio, Project Zero, Pura, Pure & Green, Purebaby, Qtoys, Queen B, Quick Loop, Quillan, Rasasara Skinfood, Rascals Treats, RAW, Raw Nature, RBCCA KSTR, rCup, Re-Play, REB Cosmetics, ReCreate, RED By Modibodi, Redecker, Redmond, Remuse, Retreatment, RetroKitchen, Reusable Napkin Co, Rex, Rowen Stillwater, S’Well, Safix, Salty Beasts, Sea Shepherd, Seagrass Design, Seaside Tones, SEDA Collective, Seljak, Sewroo Products, Shanghai Lil & The Scarlet Fez, Silver Tongue, Silverette, Simple As That, Sinchies, Singleuse Multiverse, Smoothie Bombs, Soka Australia, Solar, Solidteknics, Solitary Bees, Solomon Street, Someday, Someday Swim, Sophie La Girafe, Soul Bottle, Soulfull Tribe, Southern Cross Pottery, Sow ‘n Sow, SoYoung, Sprite, Stasher, Straight Stitch Society, Sttoke, Sugarwrap, Sun & Earth, Sunbutter, Sunny Babe, Sunwell Being, Supercharged Food, Surfpaste, Sustomi, Swedish, Swedish Stockings, T&G Woodware Ltd, TAMGA Designs, Tasi Travels, Tasman Sea Salt, ten-i muhou, Terra Thread, TerraCycle, That Red House, The Botanical Life Co., The Broth Sisters, The Carob Kitchen, The Dharma Door, The ECO Floss, The Ginger People, The Girl & The Olive, The Goodnight Co, The Jojoba Company, The Keeper, The Linen Press, The Physic Garden, The Plant Runner, The Scenic Route, The School of Life, The Swag, Theo The Label, Thermos, Thought Fashion, Thurlby, Tinderbox, Tom Organic, Torju, True Gum, Tumut Brooms, Two Winged Fruit, U Konserve, Ulu Hye, Urban Composter, Urban Greens, Urbotanica, Urthly Organics, Veggie Saver, VEGO, VEJA, Viva La Body, Vrindavan, Wanderlightly, Wares by Olli Ella, Waters Co, WAW Handplanes, Wean Green, Wean Meister, Weck, WheatBags Love, Winestains, Wire Pegs, Wishbone, Wooden Crafts, Woodfolk, Wotnot, Wrap’d, WRAPPA, Wyndywood Worm Farm, Yogibeings, Your Wild Books, Yourstraw, Yumbox, Zorali